We invite research communities that use HPC, including students, HPC experts, industry representatives, as well as governmental representatives to attend the 4th Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference that will take place in Riga, Latvia on April 11-12, 2024.
Within recent years, the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) has increased worldwide, and investment in HPC infrastructure has increased in Europe. During the opening keynote, we will hear about recent and upcoming developments in HPC from Anders Dam Jensen, the Executive Director of the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking. In addition to this, governmental representatives from Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia will give their perspective on why financial support to HPC is considered, why it should be given in the future, and what are the benefits of supporting the use of HPC in the long term.
The use of HPC can give significant advancements for the industry as well as small and medium enterprises, therefore Andreas Wierse (SICOS BW GmbH, Germany) will look into supercomputing as a possibility to revolutionize research, development, and innovation efforts. The session will be continued with real success stories from industry representatives, for example, Zippy Vision (Latvia), Novian Technologies (Lithuania), and Scandinavia. A lot of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) are willing to collaborate with the industry and give their input and expertise, therefore everyone will be able to visit booths where CoEs, for example, BioExcel, HiDALGo2, EXCELLERAT P2, PlasmaPEPSC, and RAISE, will explain what they do, and introduce some future collaboration opportunities.
With the rise of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can get support for digitalization, including HPC. We will hear some success stories from EDIHs who have supported SMEs in using the HPC. In addition to this, EDIHs and National HPC Competence Centres (NCCs) will have a discussion on how to strengthen future collaboration and involve more SMEs in using the HPC.
The first day of the conference will be concluded with a session that will look into cross-institutional access to HPC. With the increase of available HPC resources, the demand for cross-organizational, cross-border authentication and authorization, as well as authentication and authorization for the commercial and public sectors is increasing. For this reason, a session will be dedicated to discussing potential challenges, requirements, and solutions to access HPC.
On the second day of the conference, we will start with a keynote from Per Öster about a unique HPC ecosystem – LUMI – in Finland. It will be continued by short presentations from three Baltic countries to see the growth and development of HPC and a discussion with the Nordic countries on potential next steps for future growth.
With HPC infrastructure advancements in Europe, training in HPC is also needed to improve skills and knowledge in using the HPC. For this reason, one session will be dedicated to new HPC developments in training – what advancements have been made in the Baltic and Nordic countries, as well as in Europe to increase the use of HPC. Another session will be dedicated to new developments in HPC interfaces and user support services. For those interested in HPC training, booths will be open all day long to discuss this in detail.
The conference will be concluded with a section dedicated to Quantum Computing. We will see the main differences between HPC and Cloud Computing in a keynote by Mikael Johansson (CSC, Finland). This session will also look into the Quantum Computing landscape and achievements in Latvia, Denmark, Sweden, and Europe.
This is a wonderful event to meet face-to-face and discuss future collaborations, exchange ideas and success stories, as well as meet the HPC community from the Baltic sea region! Registration for the conference is now open.
Registration link: https://bit.ly/4thBalticHPC_conference
The full conference program is available here: https://hpc.rtu.lv/4th-baltic-hpc-and-cloud-conference/?lang=en
The conference is organized by National HPC Competence Centres (NCCs) in Latvia (SuperS), Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden (ENCCS), Finland (CSC), and Denmark (DK-NCC) within the framework of the EuroCC 2 project.
Conference organizing committee
Dr. Ilmars Slaidins and Dr. Ieva Timrote, Latvia;
Dr. Ivar Koppel and Dr. Ülar Allas, Estonia;
Dr. Mindaugas Macernis and Dr. Stepas Toliautas, Lithuania;
Dr. Thor Wikfeldt, Dr. Yonglei Wang, and Anastasiia Andriievska, Sweden;
Minna Lappalainen and Heidi Reiman, Finland;
Dennis Wollbrink and Dr. Marta Schulze, Denmark.
For more information: info@eurocc-latvia.lv