The research team at the Ruđer Bošković Institute's Center for Informatics and Computing, in addition to already having access to supercomputing resources for the Vini in silico model of cancer (Vini) development at the University of Rijeka (UNIRI), University of Zagreb, University Computing Center (SRCE), and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), this year gained access to the EuroHPC supercomputer VEGA at the Institute of Information Sciences (IZUM) in Maribor, Slovenia. Resources totaling 2,560,000 core hours on the VEGA CPU partition and 384,000 core hours on the VEGA GPU partition were allotted, and access was provided for six months with the option of an extension.The project team members are using these resources to further develop Vini, and in parallel to promote the use of HPC as part of the NCC Croatia activities. The implementation of the Vini on HPC Vega is a living example of the necessity and efficiency of the EuroHPC initiative and production. However, as part of its Academic Research Webinar program, DrugBank, whose resources are one of the defining characteristics of Vini development, gave this team the chance to introduce Vini to a broad scientific community. The latest episode discussed the results of Dr Draško Tomić's "Evaluation of cancer drug efficacy using the second largest eigenvalue of metabolic cancer pathways". This webinar was held on August 4, 2022, to more than 50 participants worldwide. DrugBank Online is used extensively by the drug industry, medicinal chemists, pharmacists, physicians, students and the general public. Because of its large scale, comprehensive referencing, and detailed data descriptions, DrugBank enables important advances in the data-driven medical industry. This allows us to see first-hand the amazing research that is being conducted using the DrugBank knowledge base. DrugBank has launched an academic webinar program to showcase the amazing work being done by researchers around the world. We appreciate DrugBank for giving us this rare chance, and for letting us use its resources for the Vini development. We also greatly appreciate UNIRI, SRCE, IZUM and BSC for their contribution of their supercomputer resources. Replay on demand for this webinar is here.
NCC Croatia – The Vini in silico cancer model presented at the Drugbank Academic Research Webinar
The research team at the Ruđer Bošković Institute’s Center for Informatics and Computing, in addition to already having access to supercomputing resources for the Vini in silico model of cancer […]
HPC webinar for SMEs: Examples of real use of HPC in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
An informative webinar was held on September 4, highlighting the potential of high-performance computing through real-life success stories and engaging projects implemented with the support of the National Competence Centers for HPC. In addition to examples implemented in the Slovak NCC, the webinar also presented the expertise and experience of neighboring competence centers in the…
The Croatian Educational Landscape in the Fields of HPC, HPDA, and AI
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EuroCC 2 & CoEs & CASTIEL 2 Intermediate Conference in Slovakia
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