Drug Research and HPC. Moroxite AB & Forcelab AB Access VEGA System

It is thrilling to announce that Moroxite AB (https://moroxite.net/) and Forcelab AB (www.force-lab.eu) have been awarded EuroHPC Joint Undertaking development-type access allocation on the VEGA petascale supercomputer hosted at the […]

It is thrilling to announce that Moroxite AB (https://moroxite.net/) and Forcelab AB (www.force-lab.eu) have been awarded EuroHPC Joint Undertaking development-type access allocation on the VEGA petascale supercomputer hosted at the Institute for Information Science (IZUM) in Maribor, Slovenia. The application process benefitted from input by dr. Roberto Di Remigio, research software engineer at ENCCS. 

Moroxite develops targeted drug delivery strategies for breakthrough therapies. Forcelab provides in silico insight into the drug development pipeline. The nearly 2 million core hours awarded will help the companies advance their in silico drug discovery program and accelerate the in vitro and in vivo testing of novel drugs and drug delivery methodologies. The project will use both classical molecular dynamics and quantum/classical simulations.

ENCCS has recently hosted, together with RISE and KTH-PDC, the Swedish HPC Business Day event to understand the computational needs of private businesses and the public sector. We showed how we can help these actors harness the power offered by HPC, especially the resources available within the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking: this is one of our core missions as the EuroCC National Competence Centre for Sweden.