NCC Sweden – ENCCS

Short Description about NCC:  ENCCS is the EuroCC National Competence Centre in Sweden and a vital part of the EuroHPC JU family. It is designed to support industry, public administration and academia concerning access and use of EuroHPC JU supercomputers.
To that end, ENCCS organises training events for key HPC topics including, but not limited to, MPI, GPU use and A.I, as well as providing support to software engineers for porting their projects into high-performance computers.
In order to boost collaborations in multiple scientific fields, ENCCS is also actively contributing in efforts to port software to HPC and GPUs, such as Gromacs, Veloxchem, NEK5000, EC-Earth, BCPNNSim and more.

Training at ENCCS

Our workshops cover a wide variety of HPC topics, including MPI, OpenMP, GPU programming, performance engineering and best practices in software development, taught by our own experts, as well as distinguished instructors from other organisations.

Our hackathons aim at getting things done! To participate in a hackathon you should have a well defined problem you wish to solve. If your project gets accepted, you will be paired up with a mentor with the relevant expertise who will work with you to solve the problem – this can include, for example, porting a core part of your research code to run on GPUs or refactoring your code to enable more efficient parallelization.


Multiple companies are in need of extreme computing power that is not possible with regular desktop computers, or laptops. High-performance computers (HPC) are capable of running by using simultaneously thousands of CPUs and hundreds of GPUs, as well as extremely large memory and storage.

There are already successful examples of companies getting access to EU resources through the EuroHPC JU infrastructure with the help of ENCCS experts.

Here are some of our collaborations: