Success Story: DigitalSmart and DunavNET to provide AI edge solution for poultry industry, done in context of FF4EuroHPC experiments

Organisations & Codes Involved:

DigitalSmart is a coordinator of a new H2020 project: called AIMHiGH that is implemented in the context of HPC Fortissimo project. The title of the project is AI/ML Enabled by HPC for Edge Camera Devices for the Next Generation Hen Farms and it is funded as an application experiment within Horizon 2020 FF4EuroHPC project. The AIMHiGH project proposes the use of HPC and deep learning AI to create prediction models that can be deployed on edge devices equipped with camera sensors for use in IoT/AI solutions in the poultry sector. DunavNET provides expertise in AI/ML, IOT, and software development, while University of Donja Gorica will be providing HPC and domain expertise through NCC Montenegro and FoodHub Centre of Excellence. Montenegrin companies Meso-promet Franca and Radinović Company will be taking part in the evaluation and piloting process. The project is fully aligned with the priorities of S3 Smart Specialisation Strategy for Montenegro.

Technical/scientific Challenge:

This is an innovative project that proposes the use of HPC and deep learning to create prediction models that will be used in AI edge settings, namely for IoT camera sensor nodes in order to create new advanced sensors that can count chickens, help assess the weight of animals, detect the dead ones.

Business impact:

Through this project, DigitalSmart obtained access to HPC resources and the solution will be integrated into the already commercialized digital farming platform created and marketed by DunavNET. The solution can also be interesting for other IOT vendors, as well as for the end-users.


The idea is to utilize HPC to support development of prediction models that can be deployed on platforms such as NVIDIA Jetson Nano equipped with a camera and integrated into digital farming platforms such as PoultryNET from the company DunavNET.


More efficient farm management. Early detection of diseases or uneven growth.


  • Keywords: High-Performance Computing, HPC, Supercomputing, Engineering, Software Optimisation, EuroCC
  • Industry sector: IT/HPC systems, services & software providers, manufacturing & engineering, natural science
  • Technology: HPC, HPDA, AI


  • Stevan Čakić, MSc (EuroCC Montenegro organized promotional events that included presentation of the FF4EuroHPC Open Call #1 for Experiments. This sparked interest and a local spin-off DigitalSmart partnered with IoT provider DunavNET, UDG and local poultry producers to apply for this call. The project won funding and it is currently being implemented.)

This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro